
When I was fifteen I experienced an all consuming and profound heartbreak. One that left me emotionally detached and at a loss for who I was. Looking back, I think that was the most haunting part— having to live each day with a version of myself that I couldn’t even recognize anymore. I mean, who was to know that I would fall into what I thought was love, but actually out of what I knew was my mind? Everything began so innocently just as any other high school crush would. Though as time went on, it festered into something noxious. There were days, even weeks where it was like an autopilot had kicked in and when a moment of clarity would arise, the realization of what was happening would be suffocating. Six years later, I wouldn’t say that I have completely healed from everything, but I have finally come to terms with it.
I decided to call this series Milestones because I wrote these pieces and took these photos at what felt like milestones in my healing process. My lowest lows, the “maybe I really will be okay someday” epiphany and the very moment I felt like myself once more.