About Uniquely Aligned
Photo by Leah Blom for “Don’t Be A Stranger”
Uniquely Aligned is no longer being updated, but the site remains an archive of our many years of publishing. Thank you for the love and support always. UA Forever <3
Our Mission statement
Uniquely Aligned was an independent online and in-print magazine dedicated to youth and individuality. It began in 2016 when Vivian Chambers, Savanna Chada, Katherine DeBerry, and Smith Boles joined together to create a platform to share their writing and ideas, but it soon became a much larger platform for thousands of people to find a home in. Designed to embrace every person’s individuality while also embodying love in our alignment as humans, it has become a giant creative platform for all different kinds of people and all different kinds of ideas. We want this to be a place for everyone. We are on a mission. To show the world that we have creativity to share and a voice to be spoken. To make mistakes and to learn. To be kids and to be good. To talk, to cry. To laugh, to feel. To give. To love, to run, to be loved. Simply put, to live.
UA’s Founders
Vivian Chambers, Katherine DeBerry, & Savanna Chada
UA is constantly growing
Uniquely Aligned grew immensely over our few years as an online magazine. We collaborated with Adolescent Content, and our content is shared with an even larger platform. Check out our tab on their site and explore their media—it’s important, personal, and revolutionary.
Photo by Leah Blom for “Don’t Be A Stranger”
Get Involved
Sadly, Uniquely Aligned is no longer being updated, due to changes in our founders’ lives. But we are so thankful for the team we built, and we remain a close community of friends and family!
We have contributors all over the world, sending in unique creative content. No two artists are the same, and here at Uniquely Aligned, we embrace that. We’re a little different than other magazines: our content is based in creative freedom. Not all writing has to be perfect; sometimes a diary rant is the most beautiful reading. Not all photography is professional; sometimes a disposable camera shared between friends creates the best memories. If you were interested in contributing to UA, there are so many amazing magazines like us—Please consider submitting to them! A few we love: Lithium Magazine, Pure Nowhere, All My Friends Zine, Surj Magazine, and Unpublished Zine. They’re the best!