Away I Go

I started solo traveling last year when I studied abroad in Australia; however, this time, in Portland, Oregon, it felt different. It was different. It was my first time solo traveling in the United States and I was a full-fledge adult by this point. I was going through post-college graduation struggles, so this trip helped me recharge and enjoy the unknown, and let's face it, life is filled with unknowns. Solo traveling can definitely be scary, but it's all about stepping out of your comfort zone. You get to go to all the places you want to visit, you get find yourself again, and you get to have time to enjoy your own company. Everyone should solo travel at least one point in their lives, even for just a weekend. Sometimes we, including myself, tend to find comfort in the area we grow up in and the people we know that we forget that there's a whole other world out there waiting to be discovered.
These photographs are from my recent trip to Portland. To me, they help resemble new beginnings and change. Change is a necessary part of growth that we must all confront, not fear. These photos also have a dream-like feel to them, which I hope allows people to remember that we can control our dreams to live the life we want to live. In other words, we can't change the past but the future is ours to create. It's filled with new adventures that await you; you just need a leap of faith.