Never Boring

I started getting into photography around high school, but I always remember being pretty fascinated with photos—how they were able to capture moments in such an impactful and permanent way. When I started taking photos seriously, I knew pretty early on what I wanted to capture, which were moments that could potentially impact people, tell stories and make them feel things even if that is sometimes uncomfortable. Photography has grown into something that everyone does now and the competition is stiff and sometimes can be pretty overwhelming, but that also challenges me to say something and do something with my photos that are unique and special, something that only I can make. Making my photos weird has helped me grow and establish myself as a serious artist with a style, and it also helps me dig deep into my psyche and figure out what I am truly feeling and what I really want to say. Those kind of photos were the ones that initially inspired me to make photos in the first place. It’s important to me that I never ever bore people with my work, I want people to constantly be surprised or never really know what I’m going to do next, and as I grow and keep doing that my style and photos may change but I don’t think that aspect will ever stop being a priority to me. I have learned that being strange is something I should embrace instead of trying to be like everyone else, and its much easier.