Love Bites

Often times I think we fear our relationships, whether they be romantic, friends, family, clothes, food—whatever they're with. With the rise of social media culture, things are constructed as beautiful and perfect, letting us believe certain parts of our lives should be so. In a recent project, this being one of the series, I wanted to show the ugly side of relationships, through the haunting images of, 'Love Bites'. In this one I specifically showed the visuals of romance, but it is not supposed to solely be about that. After my own acceptance that I was not the problem, I was able to acknowledge this as something universal and not just a product of something I was doing wrong. This lead to a validation of my own feelings towards things when they’re not always positive. Majority of my high school experience was being in denial of a lot of problems within my life, and this year it feels like I can finally breathe as soon as I let myself function like a normal human being.