Second Layer of Skin
Visual by Laila Aissaoui
I’ve gotten Brooke Shields, Mischa Barton, and Joey King. told me I looked like Rainn Wilson once and
Yesterday somebody told me I resemble Paul Dano which i don’t know if I agree with but
Maybe my face looks different on shady park benches or during the afternoon or when
I talk about something or someone I love.
I don’t know if I like how I look but
I like how I look in the first pair of blue jeans I bought on the turnpike or when
I run down King Street at night with loose strands in my eyes
Arms out and
Stretching my father’s old raincoat that i’m not supposed to be wearing.
Some people laugh at the way my feet move in blotches how they
Trip over red tape but I know that my feet are capable of moving in
Smooth currents when I yell over ticking clocks and crickets and learn to avoid your gaze.
I say I hate it when you borrow my clothes but
I only hate it when
People say they look good on you, when I’m not there to interrupt and say that they
Came from my drawer and that i
Found them for seven dollars at the Goodwill.
When I press my foot on the gas I admire the mirror. Love my smirk when I
Swerve around parked cars on the way to work, when I roll through signs on my way home covered in flour.
I like when you tell me I look different but it makes me
Worry about when I looked the same
If you can still see the dark spots along my jaw or the
Puckered skin along my inner thigh.
So I put on a second layer of skin and
Only wear shorts at night.