8BIT WIZRD's Pink Eye

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The first time I met Reece, I would estimate it took about… 7 minutes for the topic of (Sandy) Alex G to come up. I had never heard of him at this point, nor had I heard the word ‘lo-fi’, which today, I would say, is such a common (and loved!) term to me. Alex G is the lo-fi king. His songs have imperfections, a strange sound quality, and crazy surprises all throughout them, but they also have some of the most sentimental and heartfelt lyrics and melodies I’ve ever heard; “Brite Boy”, for example, is one of the most sad and beautiful songs I know, filled with both love and struggle. Alex G’s music may not appeal to everyone, but I think it’s impossible not to feel something while listening to him.

Reece has truly taken after Alex, and I can honestly say that I feel the same kind emotions listening to his music. He began his project as ‘Silverpants McGee’, releasing three albums—all played, written, and recorded by him. Late 2018, Reece changed his moniker to 8BIT WIZRD in order to fit his new music style (lo-fi, of course). His new album Pink Eye is a nostalgic and beautiful record about love and the pressure of being young. He worked with his close friend Sloan Struble (you may know him as Dayglow) to produce many of the album’s tracks. Themes of youth and romance and so many other things, Pink Eye truly captures all of the emotions of being in love and has the fun quality of an old homemade record, which I love. 

BIT WIZRD is definitely a lo-fi band to look out for. Calling all Alex G lovers and nostalgic romantics, Pink Eye is your new favorite album. It will make you smile and maybe feel sad—it will make you feel young and in love. Don’t miss out on all the emotions 8BIT WIZRD’s Pink Eye will bring you.

Pink Eye, an album by 8BIT WIZRD on Spotify