
I think crying culture is really interesting when presented online. I read this thing that stated people often times forget what they were actually feeling in the moment of crying and end up associating the memory of that breakdown with a feeling of relief. I think the fact that this can happen from an initially negative thing, is something powerful. I sometimes think the beauty of crying’s power, is misinterpreted as needing to look beautiful while crying, and I think that is taken to instagram a lot. Unless someone strays from looking conventionally attractive in said post. I think posting things like that is trying to show that we can show our genuine selves on social media, but I think it often carries social media’s ‘rules’ of beauty, because a lot of times I think people still present themselves as attractive. I could be completely wrong about this, I’m trying to do as much research as I can, but I think it’s an interesting algorithm to follow.
Lacrima is meant to show the model as still glamorous during a breakdown that is set in relatively public places. Even the cheesy Italian title I have given it. It is to be hyper-dramatic in unnecessary ways and look sort of disingenuous.