Coming of Age


Coming of Age…

You think movies, you think books, maybe you actually think of coming of age.

Coming of Age means a lot of things. It means growing, learning, and all of the other things I seem to talk about all the time. It means everything and nothing, but it’s good. Coming of Age is fun and new and never-ending. It’s life in its entirety, whether you’re thirteen of ninety, because Coming of Age never specifies which Age you’re Coming to… (?) It’s about moving forward from wherever you’re beginning.

I made this playlist about that movement. It’s about youth, it’s about love, it’s about aging, it’s about home, it’s about leaving, it’s about dreaming, it’s about fading, it’s about everything. It’s about the famous cliché of Coming of Age, whatever that means to you.

(This is one of my favorite playlists I’ve ever made. Listen to the whole thing and try not to pretend you’re in a John Hughes movie or The O.C. or something.)

I made this playlist about moving forward. It's about youth, it's about love, it's about aging, it's about home, it's about leaving, it's about dreaming, it's about fading, it's about everything. It's about the famous idea of Coming of Age, whatever that means to you.